Enhancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Primary Health Care Initiative

Regional Workshops


In December 2004, the Enhancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Primary Health Care (EICP) Initiative held regional workshops in give cities across Canada. These one-day sessions facilitated input from health care providers, professional organizations, policy-makers, academics, educators, regulators, the legal profession and provincial and territorial health officials.

The workshops provided an opportunity to:

  1. discuss and comment on the research findings on issues related to interdisciplinary collaboration in primary health care;
  2. receive information on how aspects related to interdisciplinary collaboration in primary health care are expressed and addressed across Canada; and
  3. engage the health care community in cross-discipline discussions.

These workshops validated findings from the small group consultations, further refined the EICP Initiative's core deliverables (principles and framework) and started to build the leadership network that will be required to sustain interest and support for initiatives that encourage interdisciplinary collaboration.

Presentation materials and results from these consultations are posted below.

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Spotlight on Collaboration

Canada's beacon of interdisciplinary collaboration is shining brightly from Southern Alberta where there are no tall buildings, trees or mountains to block the long view. Taber is a town known for its big sky, excellent sweet corn and now for great primary health care. Ask anyone who knows the scene and the Taber Project comes up.

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