Enhancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Primary Health Care Initiative

Work Plan


The Enhancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Primary Health Care (EICP) Initiative will proceed through six phases in its work:
Phase One:   This phase will involve an analysis of the factors that affect the interdisciplinary work of primary health care providers and the public's access to these professionals and services.
Phase Two:   At this stage, the EICP Initiative will commence consultations with stakeholders to gather their input into a proposed set of principles and a framework for collaborative care, in the context of primary care. At the same time, the Initiative will begin the process of engaging stakeholders and encouraging their support for the Initiative, its goals and its primary deliverable � the principles and framework for collaborative care.
Phase Three:   During Phase Three, the EICP Initiative will �test drive� the principles and framework through a second series of consultations with professional associations, providers, governments and the public.
Phase Four:   EICP Steering Committee organizations and other national health organizations will be asked to formally ratify the EICP Initiative principles and framework to demonstrate that there is broad support from primary health care practitioners and interest in further implementation steps.
Phase Five:   Working with input from earlier phases, the EICP Initiative will now focus on the development of tools and strategies to support the implementation of the principles and framework.
Phase Six:   Proponents (e.g. individual and groups of practitioners) of the EICP principles and framework will begin to incorporate changes and collaborate more as the Initiative ends and into the future.

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Spotlight on Collaboration

The Collaboration Toolkit is now available for your reading pleasure. This toolkit contains our last research report—Interdisciplinary Primary Health Care: Finding the Answers—and a vast warehouse containing tools that have been designed across the country to support interdisciplinary practices. The Collaboration Toolkit offers practical tips and tools such as checklists, vision and policy statements, floor plans, transfer of function agreements, and many others. It is a must-read for anyone considering—or involved in—interdisciplinary care.

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